We have seen it in fictional TV-series, movies but also in futuristic literature such as Isaac Asimov’s novels.

Artificial Intelligence has unimaginable potential and in a couple of years, it will revolutionize most of the aspects of our daily lives.

In the latest years, AI is turning into a reference point of today’s technology innovation.

Today, we are experiencing exponential growth of AI-studies and researches, university courses and projects, companies with their core business based on the AI.

And it is expected to grow more in the next couple of years.

From entertainment to the food industry, and sport, AI is changing most of today’s industries, improving the efficiency, products and services.

But what about healthcare and medicine?

This “novel” technology is applied in Healthcare as well, giving support to doctors and specialists around the world.

No worries, it is still sure that AI will not replace medical professionals, their vision, insights and humanity. On the other hand, it will help them to improve the efficiency of their daily work: from diagnosis processes to treatment protocol development, repetitive jobs assistance, precision medicine, personalized medicine, patient monitoring and care, Artificial Intelligence will bring positive waves of innovation in the healthcare industry.

As a result, the collaboration between healthcare professionals and modern technology will bring a positive change and lead to a disruption in medicine, improving the outcomes and delivering better services.


Artificial Intelligence is a consistent part of See Far, H2020 European Project that aims to design and validate a digitally enabled adaptive solution supporting ageing workforce with vision loss. The See Far is a low-cost, unobtrusive solution that can be used in the working and living environment and on the move.

Made up of a pair of innovative smart glasses and a mobile App, it helps its users to sustain and renew their work and personal life-related skills and support an independent and healthy lifestyle.

One of the main core sides of the See Far solution is its Mobile App that allows the monitoring of the central vision evolution and prediction of the risk for the presence of retinal diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, AMD. It is possible to capture retinal images using the D-EYE Smartphone-Based Digital Ophthalmoscope (developed and produced by D-EYE, an Italian company specialized in digital solutions for ophthalmology and partner of the See Far Project) and analyse them using the AI component to detect the presence or the evolution of one of the retinal pathologies addressed.

With these tools, users can capture and analyse the retinal images from home, without the need to go to the hospital or clinic to get a full fundus examination. This is helpful to monitor the progression of a disease, especially during the pandemic situation the world is facing at the moment.

A contribution towards the medicine and monitoring of the future. Try to imagine a world where AI is able to organize patient routes, treatment plans better, providing physicians and doctors with all the information they need to make better decisions every day.

And this is not a distant or utopian future, as we are gradually getting there, step by step.

And we are trying to help this disruption by bringing AI at home, to detect and monitor pathologies that can affect the sight and thus the life of ageing people around the world.


Do you want to know more about this topic and the See Far Project? Subscribe to our newsletter!

We have seen it in fictional TV-series, movies but also in futuristic literature such as Isaac Asimov’s novels. Artificial Intelligence has an unimaginable potential and in a couple of years, it will revolutionize most of the aspects of our daily lives.  In the latest years, AI is turning into a reference point of today’s technology innovation.  Today, we are experiencing an exponential growth of AI-studies and researches, university courses and projects, companies with their core business based on the AI.  And it is expected to grow more in the next couple years.  From entertainment, to the food industry, and sport, AI is changing most of today’s industries, improving the efficiency, products and services.  But what about healthcare and medicine? This “novel” technology is applied in Healthcare as well, giving support to doctors and specialists around the world.  No worries, it is still sure that AI will not replace medical professionals, their vision, insights and humanity. On the other hand, it will help them to improve the efficiency of their daily work: from diagnosis processes, to treatment protocol development, repetitive jobs assistance, precision medicine, personalized medicine, patient monitoring and care, Artificial Intelligence will bring positive waves of innovation in the healthcare industry. As a result, the collaboration between healthcare professionals and modern technology will bring a positive change and lead to a disruption in medicine, improving the outcomes and delivering better services.  Artificial Intelligence is a consistent part of See Far, H2020 European Project that aims to design and validate a digitally enabled adaptive solution supporting ageing workforce with vision loss. The See Far is a low-cost, unobtrusive solution that can be used in the working and living environment and on the move.  Made up of a pair of innovative smart glasses and a mobile App, it helps its users to sustain and renew their work and personal life related skills and support independent and healthy lifestyle. One of the main core sides of the See Far solution is its Mobile App that allows the monitoring of the central vision evolution and prediction of the risk for the presence of retinal diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, AMD. It is possible to capture retinal images using the D-EYE Smartphone-Based Digital Ophthalmoscope (developed and produced by D-EYE, Italian company specialized in digital solutions for ophthalmology and partner of the See Far Project) and analyse them using the AI component to detect the presence or the evolution of one of the retinal pathologies addressed. With these tools, users can capture and analyse the retinal images from home, without the need to go to the hospital or clinic to get a full fundus examination. This is helpful to monitor the progression of a disease, especially during the pandemic situation the world is facing at the moment. A contribution towards the medicine and monitoring of the future. Try to imagine a world where AI is able to organize patient routes, treatment plans better, providing physicians and doctors with all the information they need to make better decisions every day.  And this is not a distant or utopian future, as we are gradually getting there, step by step. And we are trying to help this disruption by bringing AI at home, to detect and monitor pathologies that can affect the sight and thus the life of ageing people around the world.  Do you want to know more about this topic and the See Far Project? Subscribe to our newsletter!