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Vi vil gerne bede om din anonyme feedback i forbindelse med en spørgeskemaundersøgelse

Er du over 40 år gammel, og har du en eller flere af følgende tilstande: Diabetisk øjensygdom (Diabetisk Retinopati), AMD, Grøn stær, Grå stær eller er nærsynet, langsynet, har bygningsfejl eller gammelmandssyn (presbyopi), så vil vi gerne høre din mening. Øjensygdomme på Aarhus Universitetshospital deltager i et EU-finansieret Horizon2020 forskningsprojekt kaldet See Far (, som har til formål at udvikle og teste to forskellige tekniske…

See Far smart glasses organized the second Focus Group in Italy

See Far organized the second Focus Group in Italy

The outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and measures implemented to limit its spread have influenced the routine of the questionaries’ compilation and on organising the Focus groups in Italy. Nevertheless, we gained the results, in much more time then it was planned initially, that is necessary to continue the design and development of the smart glasses. The questionaries’ were collected separately from employees and employers and…

seSee Far second Focus group in Seville

See Far organized the second Focus Group in Seville / Spain

See Far consortium, in particular, the partners from USE, Hospital San Juan de Dios and MustHave Sunglasses organised the second Focus group in Seville. In this occasion, on 29th of September, the partners explained the project, presented the functionalities of the See Far solution and the marketing mock-up to the group of “possible end-users”. We concluded the session with the debate in which, thanks to…