09 June 2022
See Far was presented at the Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology (NOK) 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland
On June 9, Peter Skov Jensen, an ophthalmologist at the Department of Ophthalmology, AUH, gave a talk about the See Far project at the Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology (NOK) 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The conference mainly brings together ophthalmologists from the Nordic countries although all nationalities are welcome, and so also attracted participants from e.g. North and South America. An audience of about 70 conference participants (primarily ophthalmologists) listened to the presentation about the See Far project. The talk gave rise to interesting questions about the future use of such smart devices as an aid for visually impaired persons.
28 April 2022
A talk to stakeholders about the See Far project at the Department of Ophthalmology, Aarhus University Hospital
On April 28, Peter Skov Jensen, ophthalmologist at the Department of Ophthalmology, Aarhus University Hospital, gave a talk about the See Far project at the hospital to a group of about 60 medico-technicians/engineers working with medico-technical service and acquisition in the entire Central Denmark Region covering all hospital areas.
The talk was followed by a good and interesting discussion, with the technological aspects as the centre of interest. The general perception of the See Far project was positive.
07 April 2022
See Far was presented in Hospital clinical sessions at The Hospitalier Order of Saint John of God
Participation in the Hospital clinical sessions (which are for the whole personnel of the hospital and are accredited sessions) that finally was held on the 7th of April , with the Title:
” See Far Project: An European Horizon 2020 Project trying to improve health and vision care in workers .”
Dra María Eugenia Tena Sempere
Dra María Fatima Alvarez
Dra Purificación Piñas
Dra Maria Nuria Aznarez
Dr Pablo Catalan
Dr Luis Castillón
27 March 2022
See Far was presented at the LIV Congress of the Andalusian Society of ophthalmology
Dr. Luis Castillón Torre presented See Far project in the Andalusian ophthalmology congress.
The congress was held on Thursday 17th of March in the LIV Congress of the Andalusian Society of ophthalmology with the title of the oral communication :
“Diagnosis and monitoring of AMD with artificial intelligence. SEEFAR and RAZORBILL two European projects.”
27 July 2021
See Far was presented at BHI IEEE 2021 Conference in the Special Session
{Chairs: Nikolaos Tachos (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Greece), Manolis Tsiknakis (Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece & FORTH -ICS, Greece)}
Behaviour profiling for adaptive personalized interactions of an AR smart glasses solution in the working environment
28 January 2021
Peter Skov Jensen gave an online lecture about See Far at CSH – Center for Sight and Accessibility Aids
On January 28th, See Far partner Peter Skov Jensen from Aarhus University Hospital gave an online lecture to the staff (Optometrists, occupational therapists, visual- and IKT-consultants) dealing with vision problems at CSH – Center for Sight and Accessibility Aids, located in Aarhus. (https://csh.aarhus.dk).
CSH is a public institute that helps e.g. people with low vision by training them and giving them different kinds of tools like magnification devices as well as smart glasses currently on the market.
The citizen borrows the devices for free. CSH provides this service in Aarhus municipality and six surrounding municipalities. The rest of Denmark have their own institutes or similar arrangements.
The talk was about different smart glasses for low vision and the See Far project in general.
It was a very fruitful lecture in which the vision consultants at CSH were also able to give feedback on the pros and cons of existing smart glasses for people with low vision.
Author: AUH
18 January 2021
See Far project have been presented in the EU&U conference in Greece
Prof. Tsiknakis from FORTH, our project partner, presented in the EU&U conference the See Far project on 18th January 2021.
The topic of the session was Recovery and Health and you can find out more information here: https://www.euandu.eu/
More than 1000 participants attended the online event and 35 speakers discussed important issues where real needs of European citizens were addressed.
Author: FORTH
10 December 2020
See Far project participated in the virtual workshop: Getting the most out of using personas.
The EIP on AHA Blueprint team, together with EHTEL, has set up a short 90-minute virtual, but still hands-on, workshop. The workshop started with the experiences of several organisations, including small- and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups. This virtual workshop has focused on a set of positive experiences of blueprint personas use.
The interaction was arranged in the breakout room and we have investigated the use of the Blueprint persona, Nikos, a person of working age with diabetes, hypertension and mild COPD who lives in an urban setting but without easy access to specialised services. Identifies what adaptations and types of digital solutions can support Nikos to manage his conditions, prevent deterioration of his health, and remain in employment.
We have explored which solutions (existing or not yet on the market) that would meet Nikos needs, and attempt to rank the solutions in terms of best fit to needs and Nikos characteristics.
It was a very interesting and useful workshop that have explained with the real cases how to work with end-users to understand end-user needs and where to head in terms of next steps.
Author Quantitas
October 2020
Luis Castillón on the Retinnova2020 platform talking about “New technologies in the control of macular pathology”
Luis Castillón has presented this October, on the Retinnova2020 platform, a talk on “New technologies in the control of macular pathology”
In the video in which he presents, among other projects, the See Far solution and its application in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients with macular pathology.
Retinnova2020 is a platform dedicated to training, dissemination of knowledge and innovation in the field of ophthalmology, especially for retinologists. National scope.
Author OHSJD
8 October 2020
See Far presented in Medical Innovation Day 2020 arranged by Aarhus University (MID2020)
Peter Skov Jensen from Aarhus University presented the See Far project in an inspiring (virtual) Medical Innovation Day 2020 at Aarhus University on 8th October.
Excellent topics, stimulating discussions and educative talks from keynote speakers, associate professors and entrepreneurs.
Participants were both student, Ph.D., post-doc, doctors, professor, a researcher from biomedicine, engineering, pharma companies, international venture capitalists and public innovative funding institutions.
The presentation was about the demand for people to stay active in the workforce even though they face the vision deficiencies such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and presbyopia the ability to stay active can be decreased, and as such, solutions are needed.
The See Far project aims to develop and test Smart glasses with augmented reality supporting ageing workforce with vision deficiencies. The See Far project is a Horizon2020 EU-funded proof of concept study running from ultimo 2018 to ultimo 2021.
Author: AUH
20 July / 24 July 2020
See Far architecture in the EMBC2020 conference
FORTH presented the See Far architecture in the EMBC2020 conference that took place on July 20-24, 2020 via the EMBS Virtual Academy.
The theme of the conference was “Enabling Innovative Technologies for Global Healthcare”.
It is the world’s largest international biomedical engineering conference.
Author: FORTH
21 August / 14 September 2020
Introducing See Far project in Denmark

On August 21st, See Far partner Peter Skov Jensen from Aarhus University Hospital gave a lecture to the workers dealing with vision problems at ISHD – Institute for Sight, Hearing and Deafblindness in the city of Aalborg ( https://ishd.rn.dk/)
It is a public institute that helps e.g. people with low vision by training them and giving them different kinds of tools like magnification devices as well as smart glasses currently on the market. The citizen borrows the devices free.
ISHD provides this service in The North Denmark Region (population of 578,839), which is one of the five regions of Denmark is divided into. The other regions have their own institutes or similar arrangements.
The talk was about different smart glasses for low vision, and Peter took the opportunity to talk about our See Far project in general.
It was a very fruitful lecture in the way that they were also able to give feedback on the pros and cons of existing smart glasses for low vision on the market today.
On September 14th Peter gave the same lecture to the doctors at the Department of Ophthalmology at Aalborg University Hospital also located in The North Denmark Region. They found the topic – and our project in particular – very interesting.
This small scale events were also scheduled for the annual research day at the department of ophthalmology at the Aarhus University Hospital in November and at a big national seminar (Synoptik-Fondens Årsseminar: http://synoptik-fonden.dk/ ), but the events were cancelled due to COVID19-restriction.
Author: AUH
05–07 November 2019
D-EYE presented the See Far solution to the participants of the Web Summit 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal
With more than 70,000 attendees from 160 countries and +2500 journalists, the Web Summit is considered one of the most important technology conferences in the world.
D-EYE attended this three-day tech event with a booth in the Alpha program of the Web Summit. During the conference, D-EYE presented the See Far solution to the participants, companies and organization visiting the booth.
The See Far project gained interest from both attendees, CEOs and companies, receiving feedbacks regarding possible features that could be implemented and raising awareness about this EU project. For example, magnification and contrast enhancement are considered as the most important features to be implemented. Most of the attendees interviewed expressed their opinion about the price of the device on the market (price range 700-1000).
Technology trends have shown raising interests in the healthcare sector with special focus to technologies that can help users in their daily routines. Moreover, VR and AR are considered as a hot topic at this moment: Lenovo presented its smart glasses “Think Reality” which presents both AR and VR for working environments: https://www.lenovo.com/ww/en/solutions/thinkreality
Moreover, the Web Summit dedicated an important focus on AI and its implementation in both the work environment and daily routines.
Author: D- Eye
28-30 October 2019
The See Far project in the 19th annual IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE2019)
FORTH team participated in the 19th annual IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE2019) which was held in Athens, Greece from 28-30 October 2019. BIBE2019 aims at building synergy between Bioinformatics and Bioengineering/Biomedical, two complementary disciplines that hold great promise for the advancement of research and development in complex medical and biological systems, agriculture, environment, public health, and drug design.
FORTH team has the opportunity to present to the participants of the conference the See Far project through the posters, brochures and roll-up of the project.
Prof. Manolis Tsiknakis, Prof. Kostas Marias were the general chair, program co-chair of the conference, Dr Ioannis Karatzanis was the web chair of the conference, and Prof. Fotiadis was a member of the international program committee of the conference.
Dr Nikos Tachos and Dr George Giannakakis also participated in the conference disseminating the See Far project.
Author: FORTH
14-18 September 2019
Introducing See Far project at the ESCRS conference in Paris
Aarhus University Hospital attended the recent ESCRS conference in Paris where they handed the See Far project flyers and explain the project to other participants. This was The 37th Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons: https://www.escrs.org/paris2019/ and the great opportunity for us to introduce See Far solution among the colleagues.
Author: AUH